Hounslow Heath School

Sports Premium

Sports and Physical Education (P.E.) are priorities at Hounslow Heath School, through the National Curriculum, the School Curriculum and Extended School Curriculum. Sports and P.E. play key roles in our school curriculum, with staff supported by specialist P.E. Teacher and Games coach pupils for quality teaching and high levels of achievement. The school takes part in a wide range of sporting activities within the school and across the wider community, including competitions with other schools.

The Sport Premium is government spending for improving physical education (P.E.) and sport in primary schools. This extra funding is allocated directly to primary schools. The funding is being used for a range of provisions:

  • specialist PE teachers and qualified sports coaches to work with primary schools
  • support and involvement of less active children through clubs within, before and after school
  • resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers
  • running of sport competitions to increase pupils' participation in P.E. and games
  • running of sports activities with other schools

The overview and report on Sport Premium for Hounslow Heath School, explaining expenditure, planned provision impact and swimming data is available below:

Hounslow Heath School PE and Sport Premium Report