Contact Us
Hounslow Heath School
Martindale Road
London TW4 7HE
Telephone: 0208 570 1332
School staff, including the Headteacher of the school, Mrs. Ritu Aulakh, and other school leaders can be contacted using the contact details above. If you wish to contact the Chair of the Temporary Governing Board, Mr. Harinder Singh Pattar, please address written communication using the school address.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) and Heads of Centres are Mrs. Joanne Calmonson and Mrs. Nikita Fernandes.
The Health and Safety Coordinator is Mr. Hugh Gwilliams (Deputy Headteacher). He is also the school's registered Data Protection Officer.
If you require printed paper copies of any documents, including those on this website, please contact the school office using the email contact details above. Parents and carers can receive documents on this website, and personal information held about them and their children free of charge. The school administrators in the school office receive communication directly in person, by telephone or email.