Hounslow Heath School

School Meals

Meals are cooked on the premises with a choice of menus, taking account of dietary needs related to health or religious requirements. Menus are designed to follow the Government’s recommendations on healthy eating and nutritional standards.

This term, school meals are still provided by Chartwells in Early Years/Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and by Wilson Jones in Key Stage 2. Children have the opportunity to choose a cooked meal, from a number of options including vegetarian dishes and alternative options.

Menu Options

Please click on the links below for more information about these menus:

EY and Key Stage 1 Lunch Menus - Summer and Autumn First Half Term 2024 

Key Stage 2 Lunch Menus - Summer and Autumn Terms 2024

Children may also be provided with a packed lunch by parents and carers. We are a 'Healthy School' so healthy lifestyles and balanced diets are priorities at the school, therefore we ask that biscuits, cakes, chocolates and crisps are not included in packed lunches.

Healthy Eating

Lunchtime Supervisors (SMSAs) look after the children, supervising them whilst eating their lunch; encouraging healthy eating and safe play outside. The school has an extensive playground with a range of opportunities for physical movement and play.

The use of water bottles in school is encouraged, so that water is available in class throughout the school day. We also allow a healthy drink with fruit at designated times of the day.

Free School Meals

For the academic year 2023-24, thanks to the Mayor of London, all primary school children in London boroughs are eligible for free school meals. However, this is not necessarily the case after this academic year. If you have not applied for free school meals and believe you may be eligible, please pick up a form from the school office. This is important as this would make the school eligible for additional funding. If you need support regarding school meals, email the school at office@hounslowheathschool.com or contact us directly by phone. 

Click on this link for further information regarding free school meals:

London Borough of Hounslow - Free School Meals Including Applications

Cool Milk

Subsidised school milk is available through 'Cool Milk'. Those children eligible for free school meals are also entitled to free school milk. Further information is available through the web-link below. If you would like your child to have school milk through 'Cool Milk' please use the link below to apply online, or alternatively pick up an application form from the school office.
