Hounslow Heath School

Primary School Admissions

At Hounslow Heath School we follow the admissions procedures for the London Borough of Hounslow. If you require a statutory school place for your child, you will need to complete an online application. Please follow the link below for the London Borough of Hounslow primary schools admissions site:

 Hounslow Primary Schools Admissions

Nursery School Admissions

Children can take up a free, part-time place in a Nursery class in the September after the child's third birthday. Enquiries and applications about Nursery places should be made directly to Hounslow Heath School. For our Nursery children the offer is for fifteen hours.

Please make sure you read the 'Starting Nursery class in a Hounslow school' brochure before completing the application form. Click on the link below:

Hounslow Nursery Admissions

For enquiries and sending an admission form to the school, please email admissions@hounslowheathschool.com 

Further Information

For further information about school admissions in the London Borough of Hounslow please email  admissions@hounslow.gov.uk and documents the links below: 

Hounslow Admissions Information Guide 2024 (Primary Schools)

Hounslow eAdmissions Online Leaflet